Meet the Team: Skipper Farwell, Project Manager

What pairs well with a fresh homemade cheese? No, not wine…it’s beer, of course! Skipper has been brewing his own beer for the last 27 years. He currently brews six types of beer. Over the years, he has experimented with some unique flavors: blueberry beer, gingerbread style, and a low-alcohol content mint beer.

We’ve had the privilege of having Chicago native Skipper Farwell on our team as a Project Manager for the last 15 years. He joined us after working for two small construction companies in Millis and Marlborough. Skipper’s 35 years in the trade make him a very knowledgeable and skilled project lead and craftsman, and we value his expertise.

All of his experience has helped him thoroughly understand the remodel process. He always knows what should happen next and is prepared for what is to come. This means projects are delivered on time, which makes his clients happy. He does this while delivering the highest standard of excellence. When asked about this, Skipper said, “I like to present a product to the client that I would be happy with as my own.

”Skipper doesn’t just bring quality work and proficiency to the job site; he also brings a lot of fun. He likes to keep things light while moving the project along. Skipper is a very likeable and interesting guy with lots of hobbies and interests, some of which were formed after chatting with clients about theirs. For example, he learned how to make cheese after reading a book that a customer recommended on the topic. Now, six years later, Skipper makes string cheese, cheddar, parmesan, Swiss, gouda, mozzarella, and Montasio varieties.

His interests don’t stop with food and drink. Skipper is also is an avid birder. He has been a participant of the Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count for over 25 years. If you don’t know the difference between a robin (big brown one) and a sparrow (little brown one), then you may not appreciate the significance of this event. It is the oldest and largest scientific study in the world. It has been running for 118 years and has over 64,000 participants who count birds from several continents, including North America, Central America and South America, for a two-week period every December.

When Skipper isn’t counting birds, you may find him running a non-profit group called  Coastal Mountain Railroad Inc.. This organization brings together Model Railroad enthusiasts who create model railroad sets so they are easily transportable. They take these railroad modules to retirement homes to share their passion with the residents. They also always enjoy attending the Amherst Railway Society’s Railroad Hobby Show in Springfield every January.

Skipper has many other interests that he’s participated in as an active dad, including syrup-making with his daughter, coaching soccer, and serving as a Girl Scout Leader for a high adventure group (think winter camping, rock climbing, backpacking, kayaking, repelling, horseback riding, survival weekends, etc.).

He’s an adventurous dad who enjoys spending time outdoors, especially with his family. Skipper lives in Milford with his wife, Beth, and their three children.

So, who is Skipper Farwell? He’s a Project Manager, a cheese maker, a beer brewer, a birder, a model RR enthusiast, a syrup-maker, an adventure patrol leader, a coach and a dad. What shall he try next?!

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